When I first started this blog I wanted to be like most of the lifestyle bloggers out there and talk about fashion, things I love, food I eat, etc. you have all seen it out there right? Then I realized how it was not me and how it was somewhat forced and unoriginal. Why did I want to be like the thousands of bloggers out there? Most of those bloggers are sponsored by designers and makeup brands. Who in the world is going to sponsor me? And was I trying to get famous by having a blog? Absolutely not, that was never my intention. What I realized was that instead of being like all the bloggers who write about what they wear, what they eat, and where they go why not be real and true to myself. I don't live a lavish life, drive a nice car, wear designer clothes, nor do I travel all over the country or world. Another thing that I noticed was how this was affecting young woman and teenagers. These bloggers that are sponsored are always sporting the latest trends, have photographers take their pictures, and makeup artist do their makeup. So when a young girl sees that how is that inspiring in a healthy way? From what I have seen it makes them want more, not be satisfied or happy with who they are and want to be like that blogger. It is robbing these young women and girls from originality. I have three young daughters and I see how they get inspired by what they see in the media. It breaks my heart to see that. I can go on about how I feel about that, but I'm not trying to bash on those bloggers. The main reason I decided to write this was to explain why I started this blog about a year ago and how I have grown and changed in the past year and why I now decided that this blog would just be simply about my life, hence the name Ma Simple Vie (My Simple Life).
From now on I want to be real and honest about my life in hopes that I can connect with others out there. My life is no where near perfect and I want to begin to share this journey with you. So many things have happened that I want to share with all of you but it will have to wait for another day because I'm about to set up to give my boyfriend a facial!
